志願変更後の倍率 2025

東洋大学 解答速報 英語 大問1 公募制推薦 2024 年 12 月1日

東洋大学が 2024 年 12 月1日()に実施した、2025 年度 学校推薦型選抜 学校推薦入試基礎学力テスト型英語大問1の解答速報です。




問1 ②③④②②①

Norimasa Tahara, “Kyoto Struggles to Balance Cultural Traditions, Inbound Tourism,” The Japan News, December 23, 2023, https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/editorial/political-pulse/20231223-157322/

  • https://web.archive.org/web/20240229052609/https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/editorial/political-pulse/20231223-157322/
  • https://megalodon.jp/2024-1204-1938-55/https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp:443/editorial/political-pulse/20231223-157322/
  • https://archive.md/xafJS
  • (A) ② between

    the biggest challenge is how to strike a balance between maintaining traditions inside Kyoto and sharing information about them internationally.

  • (B) ③ in

    Kyoto in particular has numerous temples and shrines

  • (C) ④ was established

    the Meiji era (1868-1912), when Japan’s first system of constitutional government was established.

  • (D) ② depend

    will depend on how the agency functions in Kyoto.

  • (E) ② traditional

    it is essential to create a trend to actively export not only traditional culture but also manga, anime and music

  • (F) ① level

    82.9%, almost the same level as the same month in 2019


無料体験 受付中!【湘南ゼミナール】

問2 ③ stops

下線部 (a) を置き換えた場合,最も意味が近いものを,次の中から一つ選べ。

No one doubts that Kyoto is one of the most popular travel (a) destinations for foreigners.

  • ① amusements
  • ② fates
  • ③ stops
  • ④ seasons

destinations「(予定の)目的(地),行き先」に最も意味が近いのは③ stops


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問3 ④

下線部 (b) の内容を表しているものとして最も適切なものを,次の中から一つ選べ。

It is also necessary to train successors for maintaining and passing on Kyoto culture. The agency must secure a proper budget for (b) this purpose

※ secure a budget 予算を確保する

  • ① to solve the problems of overtourism in the Kyoto city
  • ② to promote Japan’s modern culture such as manga and anime
  • ③ to change the city’s regulations as the pandemic is ending
  • ④ to train people who are inspired to protect Kyoto’s traditions

正答は④ to train people who are inspired to protect Kyoto’s traditions

本文の successors 後任[後継]者 が、選択肢の people に対応。また、本文の maintaining and passing on Kyoto culture が、選択肢の to protect Kyoto’s traditions に対応。


無料体験 受付中!【湘南ゼミナール】 / モコモコゼミ / 東進オンライン学校 小学部 / 東進オンライン学校 中学部 / 読売 KODOMO 新聞 / 読売中高生新聞 / スマイルゼミ / スタサプ進路 / セブンネットショッピング / Amazon


問4 ① actions

下線部 (c) を置き換えた場合,最も意味が近いものを,次の中から一つ選べ。

We should make culture and the arts a key industry for export.” It is hoped that concrete (c) measures will be presented as soon as possible

  • ① actions
  • ② budget
  • ③ calculations
  • ④ delicacy

正答は① actions。measures 手段,措置,対策 に最も意味が近いのは actions。

concrete action 具体的な行動 は、表現として一般的。

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問5 ②

下線部 (d) の内容を表しているものとして最も適切なものを,次の中から一つ選べ。

The occupancy rate of major hotels in Kyoto in October 2023 was 82.9%, almost the same level as the same month in 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic. It is certain that (d) foreign tourists have made a great contribution to that recovery.

  • ① Some tourists in Kyoto donated their money to support the city’s cultural properties.
  • ② The increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting Kyoto has improved the city’s economy.
  • ③ The citizens of Kyoto tend to see the positive aspects of overtourism because of friendly foreign tourists.
  • ④ The pandemic was ending in Kyoto because many foreign tourists refrained from visiting the city.

正答は ② The increase in the number of foreign tourists visiting Kyoto has improved the city’s economy.

問6 ②⑤

本文の内容と一致しないものを次の中から二つ選べ。ただし,三つ以上マークした場合はすべて無効とする(解答欄 11 に二つマークせよ)。


  • ① Kyoto is facing challenges in maintaining its traditions while also sharing them internationally.
  • ② The relocation of the central government’s Cultural Affairs Agency to Kyoto is the second of its kind since the Meiji era.
  • ③ Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe advocated for reducing the concentration of power in Tokyo.
  • ④ The relocation of the Cultural Affairs Agency to Kyoto is a part of the regional revitalization agenda.
  • ⑤ The Cultural Affairs Agency is not concerned about the rapid aging of the bearers of traditional culture in Kyoto.
  • ⑥ Cultural Affairs Agency Commissioner Shunichi Tokura believes the traditional culture can be potentially promoted for export.


② the second of its kind が一致しない

② The relocation of the central government’s Cultural Affairs Agency to Kyoto is the second of its kind since the Meiji era.


A major recent step was the relocation of the central government’s Cultural Affairs Agency from Tokyo to Kyoto in March. This is the first time that a central government office has been relocated to outside Tokyo since the Meiji era (1868-1912)

とあり、文化庁の京都への移転は the second of its kind でなく、the first time that …。

⑤ The Cultural Affairs Agency is not concerned about the rapid aging of the bearers of traditional culture in Kyoto.

同様の表現 The bearers of traditional culture are aging. は第7段落の第3文にある。


Maintaining and passing on Kyoto’s traditional culture is the biggest mission that Japan’s government […] have been working on.

とあることから、not concerned はおそらく内容と一致しないだろうと感じられる。

  • ①の内容は第1段落の第2文後半、the biggest challenge is … にある。
  • ③と④との内容は第4段落の最後の文、 The relocation is also … にある。
  • ⑥の内容は第8段落の引用文 “We should have more confidence in …” にある。


三省堂編修所 編,『デイリーコンサイス英和辞典 第9版 中型版』,2016 年7月 10 日 第1刷発行.

学校推薦入試 基礎学力テスト型【併願可】入学試験要項
